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- On September 4, 2021, a few months after the zombie outbreak in Los Perdidos
- One of Frank West's students contacted him
- Frank West is a former photojournalist who now works as a university teacher.
- Help him investigate a military compound located on the outskirts of Willamette, Colorado - the site of the first zombie outbreak
- Once inside, they discover that the place is being used for zombie research, but they are discovered and forced to flee
- With Frank classified as a fugitive terrorist
- Around January of 2022, Frank is found by Brad Park, a ZDC agent
- Who convinced him to help investigate a new zombie outbreak that started in Willamette during Black Friday sales
- In exchange for a way to clear his name and obtain exclusives. Story rights
- But the mission fails and the plane crashes
- After falling from the helicopter, Ivo's zombie eats half of Frank
- But suddenly, after all the zombies disappeared, they entered Frank and turned him into a zombie
- This gave him new supernatural abilities
- After gaining all these new abilities, Frank begins eating HUMANS!
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Game Genre
Action, Adventure
Video game platform
Age Group
18 years