The Account
How can I create an account on Elghazawy website?
.Step1: Go to Elghazawy wesite
.Step 2: Click on the "Register" icon to the left of the search bar
.Step 3: Click on the "Create Account" option
.Step 4: Fill your information (name, phone number,valid email, secure password)
.Step 5: Click on the "Create account" button at the bottom of the page
!Your account has been created on Elghazawy website, And now you can start shopping
How can I change my account information on Elghazawy website?
:If you need to change any information on your Elghazawy account, you can do so by following these steps
.Step 1: Log in to your account
.Step 2: Go to the "My Account" page and you will find your account information in front of you
.Step 3: there, you can update and change your personal information and contact details
.Step 4: When you're done, click "Edit account" to confirm the changes
How can I reset my account password on Elghazawy website?
: You can reset your password by following these steps
Step 1: go to the Elghazawy website, and click on the “Sign in” button.
Step 2: Then, click on the “Forgot Password”.
Step 3: Then, write your Email address.
Step 3: We will send a verification code to your email.
Step 4: Once you get the code by email please insert the code on Elghazawy platform.
Step 5: You will then be able to submit your password reset and use your new password.
How can I delete my account on Elghazawy website?
Send us an Email telling us you want to delete your account at the following address:
or send us a message via Whatsapp on the following number: 01063233334.
And the account will be completely deleted within 14 days.
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